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16 modules shaped by users just like you. Explore all of our solutions.

Streamline work order management

Seamless operations for your facility rentals

Eliminate the need for paper logbooks

Report and store incidents / processes

Complete control of facility inspections

Maximize project success with ease

Powerful operations management solutions

Record and report on compliance records

Record asset and maintenance records

Manage educational courses for users

Capture and track employee hours

Control and monitor hazardous substances

Ordering system for procurement supplies

Detailed fleet vehicle information

Track and record key and lockset inventory

resource allocation to enhance operations

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The Old Way

There’s no doubt about it: paper is a pain. Organizations that still rely on a paper-based system for forms waste countless hours tracking misplaced documentation, resending forms when information is incomplete and filing them away for future reference. Many organizations incorrectly assume they aren’t large enough to justify an online system to manage their forms. It’s a mistake that’s costing them time and money.

The Better Way 

ebase’s Form Logic Module transforms organizational processes and documentation procedures with a secure, easy-to-use online portal that can be accessed and updated anywhere from any web-enabled device, including smartphones, tablets and computers.

Most Appreciated Time Savers


Forms and related data are always available and easy to find, meaning there’s no more time wasted searching for documents and data


All forms are automatically stored in one secure digital location, saving hours of filing time and expensive storage space


Once one party completes their task, forms are automatically moved through the pre-set reporting sequence for authorization from the next necessary party


Team members are automatically notified when something requires their review or authorization and are reminded at regular intervals until they have completed the required task

Users Also Love

  • Easy CustomizationEasy customization of form templates and customized routing sequences for each form allows organizations the flexibility to create efficient processes that reflect their unique structure and needs
  • CollectionsThe ability to create departmental collections of forms, including Human Resources, Maintenance, Finance and Custodial
  • Reporting OptionsEasy-to-use reporting options reduce the time and effort required to analyze data for important trends
  • Training Videos & WebinarsAfter onsite training occurs, a library of training videos, tip sheets and webinars make ongoing staff training a breeze
  • PaperlessForm Logic’s paperless system reduces the organization’s environmental impact

Word On The Street

“The ebase team is absolutely amazing at helping you identify what your needs are and working with you to establish the best way to move forward with your form. They are always there to answer questions and continue to do regular training. The ebase form itself is completely customizable to your organization’s needs and is always updatable as these needs may change.”​

Supervisor- School Board

“Definitely recommend the use of ebase Form Logic to other users – customer services is outstanding!”

HR Assistant- School Board

Pairs Perfectly With

The Safe Workplace Module to assign and track completion of mandatory safety training.

The Facility Inspections Module to assign and record findings and follow-up items from compliance inspections and internal audits.

Number Crunching

Updating your organization’s old paper-based form system to Form Logic’s online portal does much more than save paper. It automates assignments, reducing the need for reminders to team members about what signatures or actions are required of them. This allows employees to focus on truly value-added activities. School boards who have implemented the Form Logic Module have reported that the time it takes to process forms within their organization has been reduced by as much as 5 days.

Tech Talk

  • Powered by ebase, a cloud-based software solution that allows unlimited users to access its modules at any time through any standard web-enabled device, including smart phones and tablets
  • No additional computer hardware required
  • All software updates are automated and included in the all-inclusive annual subscription price, as is ongoing maintenance and unlimited access to our 24/7 toll-free help desk, which is staffed by experienced, Ontario-based product specialists
  • All organizational historical data is preserved when the new software is implemented
  • Onsite training ensures all users are confident in using the system prior to launch

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